· 10 min read

5 Key Steps for Successfully AI Implementation in Medium-Sized Enterprises: A Guide to Effective Change Management

Five crucial steps to set your enterprise on the path to implementing AI with success. Whether you are at the brink of this journey or looking to refine your current AI initiatives, this article will be your compass to navigating the complexities of AI adoption.


In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a pivotal milestone for medium-sized enterprises seeking to stay competitive and innovative. However, the journey towards AI implementation is often strewn with challenges, particularly in the realms of technology adoption and change management.

Our focus in this article is to provide a roadmap that is not only practical but also adaptable to the unique dynamics of medium-sized businesses. We understand that, unlike large corporations, these enterprises face distinct constraints in terms of resources, infrastructure, and change adaptability. Therefore, our guide is tailored to address these specific challenges, ensuring a smooth transition into the AI-driven era.

From assessing the readiness of your organization for AI adoption to fostering a culture that embraces technological change. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge and strategies needed to not only implement AI successfully but also to ensure that this transformation is sustainable and beneficial for your business in the long term.

In this article, we will explore five crucial steps to set your enterprise on the path to implementing AI with success. Whether you are at the brink of this journey or looking to refine your current AI initiatives, this article will be your compass to navigating the complexities of AI adoption in the unique context of medium-sized businesses.

Challenges and concerns of employees

First of all in every change, not only connected to the AI implementation, we need to understand where employees' concerns come from. For many people, especially those unfamiliar with new technologies, the changes being introduced may seem like a threat. Some of them fear that they will be unable to assimilate the new tools, while others wonder if automation will make them redundant. Here are some of the most common challenges and fears employees face with AI implementation:

  • Fear of the unknown: The unknown is always difficult to accept for many people. Change is often associated with uncertainty about the future, which can lead to anxiety. It's especially relevant in terms of AI projects, AI tools and AI systems when the expected outcome of the change brings a higher-than-usual level of unknown.
  • Fear of losing a job: In situations where change involves automation, restructuring or organizational changes, employees may fear for their jobs.
  • Concerns about competence: Employees may fear that they will not have the necessary skills or knowledge to meet new demands.
  • Loss of status or influence: In some situations, change may lead to shifts in the hierarchy or structure of the organization, which may affect the position or influence of some employees.
  • Fear of additional burden: The introduction of new tools, technologies or procedures may initially require additional learning and adaptation efforts.
  • Attachment to old methods: People may be attached to old ways of doing things and see them as proven and effective.
  • Unclear communication: If employees are not well informed about the reasons for change, goals and benefits, they may feel confused or uninvolved.
  • Distrust of management: If there have been previous situations in which the changes implemented did not deliver the expected benefits or caused negative consequences, employees may be skeptical of future initiatives.
  • Cultural concerns: In multinational organizations, changes can affect cultural norms and values, which can lead to tension and misunderstanding.
  • Changing work/life balance: New requirements or tools can affect employees' work/life balance.

For successful AI implementation in the face of these challenges, it is crucial to understand employee concerns and work proactively to address them.

Best practices for the change process

  1. Communication and education: the first step should be clear communication. Introduce employees to the vision of change, the benefits of automation and the opportunities that AI provides. Education in this regard will help allay doubts and fears.
  2. Practical training: Theoretical knowledge is one thing, but practical understanding of new solutions is key. Organizing workshops where employees can test new tools on their own and workshop future solutions will help them gain confidence and understanding of the need for change.
  3. Participation in the process: It is important that employees feel they have a say in shaping the changes. Encouraging participation in discussions, and collecting opinions and comments, will help tailor innovations to real needs.
  4. Gradual improvements and iterations: Every organization is different, and as a result, solutions that work in one environment will not necessarily work in another. In addition, the latest iteration of AI, in the form of LLMs (Large Language Models), is itself a big unknown. The exact way they work is unknown even to their creators. This means that each implementation is unique and the effects of the changes need to be carefully monitored. Lessons learned in the process of subsequent iterations will help to introduce the solution effectively in the organization.

How effective AI implementation looks like

Stage 1 - AI Discovery

This stage is extremely important. Its purpose is to verify relatively quickly the challenges and expectations of change initiators regarding AI implementation and new improvements. Based on our experience within Softwise.AI, sometimes it turns out that utilizing artificial intelligence and the sources of problems can be most effectively addressed through minor process improvements, the use of existing tools or some more traditional approaches. Automating the process which should not even exist is the biggest mistake!

Only after it has been verified that indeed artificial intelligence-based solutions and machine learning will be most effective in a given case, is it worth going further in the change process. The Discovery stage helps to build solid foundations for a successful AI implementation strategy.

In most cases, we might get an idea of AI potential and main areas of focus for further analysis after a 2-hour workshop.

Stage 2 - Analysis and Design

After we have verified that indeed solutions using artificial intelligence might be a good fit for our challenges, we can move on to the in-depth Analysis and Design stage. In this stage, we focus on learning about the problems in more detail - understanding the challenges we are facing is crucial to a successful AI implementation. If we define the problem poorly, the solution, done even by the best AI teams, will not match the original expectations of the project implementers. Bringing value to the customer should be at the core of every initiative. It is a common opinion that good problem definition is 80% of project success.

The second part of this process is the selection of solutions. Here it is important to take into account what the market already offers - often building a product from scratch is not cost-effective, and using existing components, AI tools, or open-source technology, significantly reduces the time and cost of building a solution to the problem. It is important to consider a shorter time horizon and verify assumptions. It is not worth spending too much time on this process, because only the implementation and iteration stage "on a living organism" will allow it to deliver the greatest value to the end user and build a significant competitive advantage.

Good problem definition, planned expected results and initial solution design, allow business stakeholders to have a complete set of information to build a business case internally and make informed decisions if further costs are reasonable and if they will deliver the expected ROI. Analysis & Design helps also to define priorities for a wider set of changes and plan timelines and dependencies for existing initiatives in other parts of the organization.

In most cases, this stage takes from 2 weeks to 1 month, depending on the organizational complexity and pace of the iteration process.

Stage 3 - Proof of concept

The piloting process for implementing changes is a key step to test and evaluate proposed solutions in a controlled environment before they are implemented on a larger scale. The process can vary depending on the context, but typically includes the following steps:

  • Definition of pilot objectives: Clearly define the specific problem or opportunity the PoC aims to address with specific, measurable, and achievable goals and success criteria for the PoC.
  • Selection of the pilot group: Select a small group of people (or units, departments, etc.) to participate in the pilot. This group should be representative of the entire population that will be affected by the changes after the pilot.
  • Selection of data: Data availability and data quality are key in implementing AI technology. Defining the proper set of data is critical for an effective AI implementation strategy for delivering business value and operational efficiency.
  • Training and preparation: Ensure that all pilot participants are aware of the goals, expectations and what changes will be implemented. This may also include training on new tools or procedures.
  • Implementing changes in the pilot: Applying the proposed changes in a controlled environment, taking into account the pilot group.
  • Monitoring and data collection: Tracking and evaluating the effects of the changes in real-time, tracking customer behavior and collecting any data that may be useful in evaluating the effectiveness of the changes.
  • Analysis of results: After the pilot is completed, analyze the collected data to understand what the actual effects of the changes were, what problems occurred, and what benefits they brought. This will be important for defining how we can build a long-lasting competitive advantage through better business operations.
  • Making adjustments: If the results of the pilot indicate the need for modifications, make the appropriate adjustments before MVP launch and further rollout.

In most cases, this stage takes 2 weeks up to 3 months and depends mainly on the scale of the organization and the problem addressed.

Stage 4 - Minimum Valuable Product (MVP)

After determining the rationale and operation of our product in the pilot phase, we move on to the MVP, the first version of the product that works at scale on production. MVP refers to a version of a new product that has a minimal set of features but is complete enough to deliver value to early users and allow the team to gather information on how the product is received by the market.

Here are some characteristics of the MVP stage:

  • Minimality: the MVP focuses on the key features or aspects of the change that are considered most important to achieve the main goal.
  • Assumption testing: The MVP is used as a tool to verify key assumptions about the change. For example, will customers actually respond positively to the new solution? Does the new solution bring the expected outcomes? Does it help employees to work more efficiently and make them happy?
  • Gathering feedback: The MVP provides feedback from users, customers or other stakeholders, allowing the organization to understand needs and expectations more accurately. Customer data allows to improve AI models and customer experience.
  • Flexibility: Because the MVP is a basic version of the change, it is easier to make modifications or adjustments based on the information gathered, before making extensive investment.
  • Risk reduction: Instead of making massive changes right away, organizations can test the MVP first to understand potential risks and identify any issues.

In most cases, the MVP build and validation phase takes between 1 and 3 months and depends mainly on the scale of the organization, the problem addressed and security concerns.

Stage 5 - Evaluation and iterations

Even after the full implementation of an AI project, it is crucial to monitor the effects of changes, gather feedback and adjust solutions as needed to make them as effective as possible. The evaluation and iteration process can be broken down into several major steps:

  • Data collection: Collecting data and information on how the implemented changes are working. This can be quantitative data (e.g., performance indicators, usage statistics), as well as qualitative (user feedback, reviews).
  • Performance analysis: Comparing actual results with targets and KPIs (key performance indicators). Recognize which aspects of the changes are working as expected and which need improvement.
  • Identifying areas for improvement: Based on the data collected and analysis, determine which elements of the product or change need to be modified.
  • Planning iterations: Developing a plan to make improvements. This may include changes to product features, business processes, communication strategies, etc.
  • Implementing the changes: Implementing the planned modifications. Depending on the scale and nature of the changes needed, they can be implemented gradually or in larger updates.
  • Re-evaluation: Once the changes have been implemented, it is worth re-evaluating their effectiveness. The evaluation and iteration process is cyclical - each iteration is followed by another evaluation, allowing for continuous improvement of the product or change.
  • Communication with stakeholders: Communicating regularly with users, customers or employees about changes made, results achieved and future plans. Good communication helps build trust and understanding of the change process.

An evaluation and iteration approach allows organizations to adapt to changing conditions, respond to market and user needs, and continuously improve the solutions they offer. In many methodologies, such as Agile or Lean, this approach is the basis for the successful implementation and optimization of products or initiatives.


The introduction of modern technologies using Artificial Intelligence brings many benefits. Leveraging AI, especially its generative AI type, brings process efficiency, customer satisfaction and cost savings possibilities to the next level. Data-driven decisions have never been easier. Digital transformation takes on a new meaning. Similarly, as it was years ago with moving all from physical paper to the computer and the Internet, business leaders and employees are at the forefront of similar scale worldwide changes today with AI.

Below are just a few examples of artificial intelligence impact:

  • Increased efficiency: Automating routine tasks allows you to focus on more complex problems.
  • Reduction of errors: Machines do not make mistakes due to human fatigue or inattention.
  • Time savings: Faster data processing or automated decisions speed up many processes.
  • Personalization: AI can customize services to meet individual customers' needs, which increases the quality of service.
  • Increased employee satisfaction: introducing automation and modern solutions also means increased employee satisfaction in the long term - their daily tasks become more interesting, less monotonous and more creative.

Implementing innovation is a process that requires commitment, patience and support for employees. However, with the right approach and consideration, we can turn fears into enthusiasm and see how new technologies contribute to the development of the individual and build a competitive edge for the company at the same time.
